
This page has an alphabetized list of all wackys and their corresponding series.

Series are given according to these codes
or hover over the link to see the series

Click on any title to see all images of that title

This is up-to-date through 2012 - we will finish it

The List
links are to the title in that series
- click title for all images on one page -
 Topps original 
Topps rerun
$0.00001 OLDS3
15th Avenue Candy OLDS1
100% Grating Cheese OLDS3
1-A Sauce 3 Q 3
24-7 Slopee OLDS1
3 Mosquitoes 9 ANS7-F
3 Racketeers ANS10
5-hour Anarchy ANS10
6-Up Beverage D A , 1 , C , S , TP , ANS4-M , M1 1
6-Urp 9 FB1
61 Magazine 11
8-Lives Tuna Bones 2 ANS6-F 2
80 Cups O' Coffee ANS5
Abba-Caba OLDS6
A'cent L FB2
Achoo 5 R2 R2 , 89
After Life ANS4 PL2 , ANS9 , ANS10-CS
aimless ANS10-A
Ain't Toothpaste 14 R3 , 82A R3 , 82A
Airraid Deodorant 6 R2 , FB1-L U2 , R2 , 89
Air Sick ANS7
Air Witch ANS5
Ajerx A , 2 W1 , H , Q , T , S , 77 , TP , R1 , ANS2-C , ANS2-M , FB1 , FB2 , M1 2 , U1 , R1
Ajinx ANS6 M1
Alberto's BO5 ANS2
Alcohol Seltzer D B1 , WC
Ale Detergent 13 R3 R3 , 87
Alive ANS3-F
All-Brain Cereal A , 2 ANS7 , FB1
Allmud Joy ANS10
Almond Jerk (two versions, see scans ->) ANS8 P12
Almond Jerk (two versions, see scans ->) OLDS6
Alpain Cereal 11 R4 U2 , R4 , 88
Alpha Bats ANS9 ANS11
Alpoo Dog Food 7 82A 82A
Alpoor ANS6
Amazombie ANS9-A
American Distress 91 92
Android Bath Tissue IT , I
Angry Nerds ANS9-A
Angry Turds ANS11
Antenmanns ANS1 ANS1-C  
Ant Jemima ANS5
Ants Ants Revolution ANS9-L
Anvil ANS1 ANS1-C  
Anvil Soft ANS6
Ape Green Beans 13 R3 R3 , 87
Applebeast ANS11
Apple Jerks ANS5 ANS10-C , E2
Apple Tacks OLDS3
Aquafinal ANS2
AquaFinda ANS8-P
Aquafish ANS8
Aqua-Flush Toothpaste 85 85
Aquaflush ANS1 ANS1-T , V1
Aqua Hellva OLDS2
Aquax Cleanser 12 R4 , L R4 , IT , I , 88
Argh 3 3
Aridzona ANS4
Arise Cream 16 R4 , 82A R4 , 82A , 88
Arm & Hammerhead ANS6
Armor Hot Dogs 4 H , Q , R1 , 82A , 86A , ANS6-F 4 , R1 , 82A
Armor Maul ANS7
Asparagus Jacks ANS9 ANS10-M , ANS11
Asteroids ANS1    
Astro Sheen OLDS5
Atomic Fur Ball OLDS4
Avengerx ANS11
Awful Bits A , 2 W1 , Q , T , ANS7 2
Axed ANS6
Baaabasol ANS7
Baby Battle Pop ANS7
Baby Plaster OLDS6
Baby Poop ANS1 V1
Baby Runt 6 H , R1 , GFF R1
Babysplitters Club (see The Babysplitters Club)
Baby Tooth ANS4
Bacteria OLDS1
Bad Air Cigarettes OLDS2
Bad Tooth OLDS2
Badzooka 91 92
Badzooka Gum 10 V2 , FB2
Bald-Aid ANS3
Bald Detergent 4 H , T , R2 4 , U1 , R2 , 89
Baldie OLDS6
Balding Football 14 R3 R3 , 87
Ball Point Franks ANS8
Bam 8
Bambo 91 92
Bananacin 85 86A 85
Band-Ache Strips (Bandache) D A , 1 , C , FB1 , FB2-L , ANS8-M , M1
Bandage Cigarettes 15 R3 , 82A R3 , 82A , 87
Bang OLDS3
Banned ANS4
Barbasoil OLDS1
Bard Rock Cafe ANS11
Bare Free Gum OLDS5
Bark Cigarettes OLDS1
Bar-Kist 6
Bark-Os OLDS4
Barf Wimpson 91 92
Barf's 91
Barfie (see My Scream Barfie)
Barfield 91 92
Barman Barroom Tissue 12 R3 , FB2 R3 , 87
Barnum's Manimals ANS11
Barrel of Flunkies OLDS4
Bash Beer OLDS2
Bash Detergent 11 R4 R4 , 88
Bathless Ribbons 13
Battleaxe OLDS4
Battle Ball 13
Battle Caps 12 FB2
Battle Sheep ANS10 ANS10-T , ANS11-M
Battletime Beer 14
Batz ANS1 V1
Batz Beer OLDS1
Batzooka Bubble Gum 85 86A 85
Bawl Park Franks 15 R4 R4 , 88
B-B-Brats OLDS2
Beak Shaver 85 85
Beanball Bubble Gum 3 T , R4 , FB2 , ANS8-T 3 , R4 , 88
Bear Aspirin 9 W3 , R4 , 82A R4 , 82A , 88
Beastball FB1
Beastball Bubble Gum 13 R3 , 82A , 85 R3 , 82A , 85 , 87
Beast-Nut OLDS6
Beaver FB2
Beetmans OLDS4
Behead OLDS3
Belch's Grape Jelly 9 R2 , 82A , 86A R2 , 82A , 89
Benadrool ANS10
Benjamin Morgue ANS11
Benjamin Moron Paint OLDS3
Bent Cigarettes 4
Betty Crooked (see Sludge)
Beyond Pollution ANS7
Big Baddy 5 R2 , OLDS5 R2 , 89
Big Banana Pen 7 R4 , FB2 R4 , 88
Big Muc Hamburger 7 ANS3-M , FB2
Bigtumi Spaghetti Sauce 10 W3
Bird Brain Leftovers 11
Birdee ANS11
Bird Eyes ANS6
Bisquake ANS6
Bite A Man Water ANS7
Bit-O-Money 6 T , R1 , 82A , 86A R1 , 82A
Bit Pens ANS11
Bitter Gnomes in Gardens OLDS4
Biva Towels 8
Blam-O Frisbie OLDS1
Bla Yogurt 85 85
Blank Crows 7
Blast Blew Ribbon Beer 7 P1 , P2 , R1 , B1 , WC R1
Blazin' Bran ANS9 ANS11
Blecch Shampoo A , 2 W1 , H , T , 77 , R2 , FB1 2 , R2 , 89
Bleed's Candy 16 R4 R4 , 88
Bling Dings ANS2 ANS2-T
Bling Pup ANS1 ANS1-C , V1  
Blister ANS2 ANS2-T , PL1
Blisterine 6 W2 , R1 , 82A R1 , 82A
Blisterine Strips ANS2
Blob Evans ANS5
Blood Stic ANS4 M1
Bloodweiser 15 82A 82A
Blow Hole Pop ANS10
Blubber King ANS7-W
Blubberlicious ANS3
Blue Beanie Margarine 4 H , T , R4 4 , U2 , R4 , 88
Blue Bombit ANS10
Blunder Bread A , 2 W1 , W2 , 77 , R1 , R4 , 82A , 86A , G , FB1 , FB2 , ANS8-M , M1 2 , R1 , R4 , 82A , 88
Blurine 15 R4 R4 , 88
Bogus Burgers ANS10
Bom ANS4
Bone Ami 8
Boogerfinger ANS11
boogle ANS10-A
Boo-Hoo Drink A , 2 W1 , W2 , R1 2 , R1
Boozco 91 92
Boozeball B1
Booze on Tap OLDS1
Boozo Gum 7 OLDS5
Bore-a-teen OLDS1
Boredom ANS7
Boredom's D FB1 , M1 , OLDS3
Boreo ANS4 E1
Borgresso Mecha Noodle ANS8-P
B.O. Shock Ew ANS10
Boston Burned Beans OLDS5
Botch Guard ANS4
Botch Tape A , 2 W1 , H , S , 77 , TP , R1 , FB1 , OLDS5 2 , U1 , R1 , IT , I
Bouncer ANS11
Brain Burgers OLDS3
Brain'nola FB2
Braino ANS6 P12
Brain Power 13 R4 R4 , 88
Brambles ANS9
Brandy Land Game 12 R3 , 82A , 86A R3 , 82A , 87
Brawl Park ANS3
Breadcrust Hash D A , 1 , C , TP 1
Breadpool ANS11
Breakbone's ANS3
Brick ANS3
Brittle Soap Pads 2 W2 , Q , T , R2 , 82A , 86A , G , ANS5-M 2 , U1 , R2 , 82A , IT , I , 89
Broke OLDS6
Broomo Seltzer 6 W2 , R2 R2 , 89
Browny ANS3
Bruise's ANS7
Brute 88 4 W2 , Q 4 , U1
Brylscream OLDS1
Bubble Yuk Gum OLDS1
Bubonic ANS9-L
Buff ANS8
Buggies FB1
Bug Red ANS4
Bug Wally 13 R4 R4 , 88
Bulges ANS9
Bull Parts ANS9
Bullseye ANS3
Bully OLDS6
Bum and Mabel 15
Bum Baked Beans 10
Bum Bums Candy 6 T , R4 R4 , 88
Bum Chex 4 FB1
Bumpkin Dimwits ANS7
Bum's Life Magazine 13 R4 R4 , 88
Bunyuns ANS7
Burger Thing 85 86A , FB1 , ANS10-T 85
Burn & Serve (see Soot Burn & Serve Sausage)
Burn'Ems Animals ANS6 ANS8-T
Burnt Bees ANS7
Burpsi-Cola 8 P1 , P2 , ANS5-M , FB1 , E2
Bustedball OLDS1
Busted-Finger Candy (Bustedfinger) 3 W1 , 77 , R1 , ANS3-M , FB2-L 3 , R1
Buz Detergent 12 R3 R3 , 87
Buzzard ANS9
Buzzerfinger ANS8
Buzzooka ANS2
Cadbully ANS3
Caged Dog Food 7
Call of Doody ANS8 P12
Camals D 1 , C , P1 , P2 , Q , T , TP , R1 , 82A , FB2 1 , U1 , R1 , 82A
Campy Spider Soup D ANS6-F , FB1 , ANS9-M , OLDS3 , OLDS5 , M1
Canaduh Dry ANS5 P12
Canadian Clod 8 R2 U1 , R2 , 89
Cannibals ANS4 PL2 , ANS8-T , P12 , E2
Cannon Yogurt 85 85
Canquit Chicken Pie 14 FB2
Can That's Dry ANS8
Cap'n Crud A , 2 ANS7 , FB1 , ANS8-T , ANS10-M , M1
Cap'n Crutch ANS3 PL2 , ANS9 , E1
Caraid Bandages 10
Casket Soap 10 R3 R3 , 87
Castro Oil ANS2
Catgobite Detergent 15
Cavemanwich ANS5 E1
Cementos ANS10
Cents 9 W3 , R3 R3 , 87
Chafeguard OLDS3
Chaffed & Sunburn Coffee 11 R4 R4 , 88
Chairman ANS2
Chap Stink ANS8
Chara Pet ANS3
Char Boy 91 92
Charredstone Chew! OLDS3
Cheapos ANS2 ANS2-T , E2
Cheap Stick 15 R3 , 82A , FB2 R3 , 82A , 87
Cheapios 4 P1 , T , ANS5-M , FB1
Cheddarfield Cigarettes OLDS1
Cheep Detergent 8 R2 R2 , 89
Cheese Hips ANS9
Cheese Poodles ANS4
Cheese Wuz ANS9
Chef Boarardee ANS5
Chef Boy U R Dumb ANS8
Chef Girl-ar-dee 4 Q , T , R1 , ANS4-M , FB2 4 , R1
Cherry Bombs (see Regal Clown)
Cherry Croak (see Croak)
Chia Pest ANS10
Chicken Fat Detergent A , 2 T , R2 , FB1 2 , R2 , 89
Chicken in a Casket ANS4
Chickless ANS7
Chimpanzee Spark Plug 11 82A , FB2 U2 , 82A
Chimpeata ANS5
Chimps Ahoy ANS1 ANS1-T , V1 , E1
Chimp Stick ANS1
Chimpwich Ice Cream 85 86A 85
Chock Full O' Bolts D A , C , 1 , Q , TP , R1 , 82A , ANS4-M , PL1 , ANS6-W , FB2 1 , R1 , 82A
Chock Full O' Guts 85 85
Chokin' In The Sea ANS2 ANS2-T , E2
Choke King 3 R2 , R4 , 82A 3 , R2 , R4 , 82A
Choke Wagon 4
Choke-Up Toothpaste 8 U2
Choperation ANS1 ANS1-T , PL2
Choppertone ANS7-W
Chops Ahoy! ANS8 ANS10-T
Chronic Degenerates ANS10
Chuck'ems ANS6
Chump Dog Food IT , I
Chumps Candy 5 R2 , V2 , ANS4-M R2 , 89
Chux Mix ANS10
Clammy Soap 6 R2 U1 , R2 , 82A , 89
Clank Bar 5 R2 R2 , 82A , 89
Cling Freek OLDS3
Clodlike ANS1 V2
Clorocks 2 OLDS3
Closed Up ANS5
Clubbed ANS10
Clubbed Canadian 16 R4 R4 , 88
Clucky Charms ANS8
Clunky ANS7 P12
Clunky Candy 10 R3 , 82A , ANS5-F , FB2 R3 , 82A , 87
Coach Motel ANS1
Coal Flakes ANS4
Coalgate ANS11
Coca-Cobra ANS3 ANS10-CS , P12
Coca-Collar ANS8
Cocoa Pups ANS3
Coffin Cakes ANS6
Coffin-Mate 10 U2
Coldate ANS3
Cold Fish ANS1 V1 , TW
Coma L
Combovers ANS9
Comit Cleanser 11 R4 , ANS6-F R4 , 88
Commie Cleanser A , 2 Q , 77 , R2 , FB1 , FB2 , OLDS5 2 , R2 , 89
Common ANS5
Compost-it ANS11
Con Flakes ANS8 ANS9
Contrac 7 R1 , 82A U1 , R1 , 82A , IT , I
Coorpse Light 91 92
Cootie OLDS5
Copperbone Lotion 16 R3 R3
Corn Butts ANS9 ANS10-M
Coronation D FB1 , OLDS3
Count Chalkula OLDS4
Count Funkula ANS2
County Time ANS7
Covered Girl ANS5
Cover Ghoul   (two versions, see scans ->) D A , 1 , C , T , TP , R4 1 , R4 , 88
Cover Ghoul  (two versions, see scans ->) 5
Cracked Animals D M1
Cracked Jerk D ANS6-F , FB1 , ANS9-M , M1 , OLDS3
Cracked Lighter 16 R3 , 82A R3 , 82A , 87
Crakola Crayons 3 W2 , P1 , P2 , T , S , 77 , R1 , 82A , 86A , FB1 , ANS9-M 3 , R1 , 82A
Cram 5 H , T , R2 , 82A , 86A , ANS2-C , ANS2-M , ANS6-W , FB2-L U2 , R2 , 82A , 89
Cranked Out FB2
Cranky Foam OLDS2
Crappy Magazine Covers OLDS1
Crawley Rancher ANS10
Cream of Tweet ANS8
Creature Barrel ANS4
Creature Crackers 7 R1 , R4 , 82A , 86A , FB1 R1 , R4 , 82A , 88
Creeps ANS2 E1
Creep Toothpaste 12 R3 , 82A , 86A , V2 , ANS4-M , FB2 R3 , 82A , 87
Crickets ANS6
Crimetapp ANS7-W
Crispux ANS7-W
Croak ANS3-F E2
Croakaseptic OLDS2
Crocked Magazine 13 R4 , 82A R4 , 82A , 88
Crooker Jack ANS8 ANS10-T
Crookie Crisp Cereal 82A FB1 , ANS7 , ANS11-M 82A
Crotch-Bite ANS11
Crude Tube ANS7
Cruelx OLDS5
Crummy Time ANS3-F
Crush ANS5 ANS9-T
Crust Toothpaste D A , 1 , C , W1 , H , T , S , 77 , TP , R1 , FB2 , ANS8-M , M1 1 , U2 , R1 , IT , I
Crutch ANS7
Cryola ANS6
Cult 45 11 82A 82A
Cup O'Poodles 91 92
Cursed Fright Strips ANS3
Curst ANS8
Cut-Rong Hacked Paper 6
Cut the Cheese ANS10-A
Cutz ANS7
Czechlets 9 R3 R3 , 87
Daffy Baking Powder 8 R2 R2 , 89
Dampers 4 W2 , T , R1 , 82A , 86A , ANS4-F 4 , R1 , 82A
Darn ANS3
Dazany ANS6
Deadbook OLDS5
Dead Bull ANS1 V1 , TW , E1
Dead Sticks ANS5
Death Savers ANS7
Decay Toothpaste 11
DeepEnds ANS11
Deer Parts ANS3
Deers of War ANS10
Def-Con OLDS5
Degrease ANS11
DeLays ANS8
Delinquent Spinich (misspelled this way on checklist) 9 ANS7-F
Del Monster ANS3
Demented Tomatoes (De-Mented Tomatoes) D ANS4-M , FB1 , OLDS3 , E1 , OLDS5 , M1
Demono's Pizza ANS8
Dented ANS6
Diarrhea of a Windy Kid ANS10
Diary of a Wacky Kid ANS8-G
Diet Frite Cola 10
Dims ANS2
Dimwit Sugar Dots 7
Ding Kongs ANS11
Dinky Gonuts Cereal 82A 82A
Dinotapp ANS11
Dirty Cell Battery 16 ANS6-F , FB2 , ANS10-M , E2
Disco ANS6
Dissed Miss ANS6
Ditch Boy Paint 6 W2 , P2 , T , R1 , R4 , FB1 , ANS8-M R1 , R4
Ditch Masters A , 2 Q , T , TP , R1 , 82A , FB2 2 , R1 , 82A
Ditz ANS7 E1
Dizzie Cups 11
D-N-Animals ANS8-P
Doesn't Delight Cocktail 13 82A 82A
Doglix Dog Paint IT
Doglon Dog Paint I
Dogzilla ANS11
Dolt Pineapple Chumps ANS11
Done In ANS2
Don't-Touch-Mee Tea 13 R4 R4 , 88
Donkey Nose Pizza 91
Doo Doo Jump ANS9-A
Doomed Matches 13
Dopey Cream (Dopey Whip) D A , 1 , C , T , TP , M1 1
Dork ANS1 ANS1-T , V2
Dorka ANS6
Dorkitos ANS7
DoubleMental ANS5
Done ANS10
Downer ANS4
Downhill Cigarettes IT , I
Doze ANS3
Dr. Nest's Toothbrush 16
Dr. Ono 3 FB2
Drool-Aid ANS6 E1
Dr. Peeper L FB2
Dr. Pester ANS8
Dr. Pooper 85 86A , ANS2-C , ANS2-M , M1 , E2 85
Dr. Popper 8 W3 , 82A 82A
Dr. Shell's ANS9
Dr. Sushi (see One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Dead Fish)
Draft Keggs 91 92
Drainola Cereal 13
Dribbles 'n Spits ANS9
Dripsie ANS11
Drowny Softener 3 W1 , Q , R1 , ANS8-M 3 , R1
Drunken Donuts 91 92
Drunken Head OLDS6
Dubble Bubble Butt ANS11
Duck Bar 91 92
Duck and Hide 12 R3 R3 , 87
Ducko Cement 9
Dud Laundry Soap 12 R4 R4 , 88
Dud's Boot Beer 12
Dukin' Donuts ANS6 M1
Dull Pineapple 2
Dumb and Crazy Salt 13 FB1
Dumbstick ANS6
DummyD ANS6
Dum N' Old ANS4
dump ANS10-A
Dumpin' Donuts ANS8
Dums (For the Dummy) 7 R1 , ANS5-F R1
Dungeon Donuts ANS10 , ANS11-M
Duraflume ANS6
Durasmell ANS2
Duxie Cups 14 R3 R3 , 87
Duzn't Detergent D A , 1 , C , R2 , TP 1 , R2 , 89
Dynamites 15 R4 R4 , 88
eAlimony ANS10-A
Earth Barn Shampoo 15
Earth Bum Shampoo 16 R3 R3 , 87
Easy Burn ANS2
Easy Cough Cleaner 9
Easy Cuss-words 11 82A , FB2 82A
Easy Muck ANS10
eBayer M1
Edge of Glory ANS10-TV
Eelio's ANS8
Ego ANS3
Elder's Glue ANS4
El Polluto Cigars 7
Electric Slave 15 R3 R3 , 87
Elmo's ANS11
Emptimo Cigars 7
Energeezer ANS11
Energeyser ANS3
English Weather OLDS4
Enlisterine ANS5
epOxy ANS2
Error ANS1
Escuire Foot Polish 4 Q , R2 4 , R2 , 89
Everdeady Battery 85 85
Eviltime 6 R2 R2 , 89
Eviltime IT , I
Exceedrin A , 2 FB1 , M1
Extraterrestrial Seize'Ems 91 92
E.Z.Pudge ANS9
Family Circuit 11 82A U2 , 82A
Famished Amish 91 92
Famous Mobsters 15 R4 R4 , 88
Fanatical Sickly Fiction 14 R4 R4  , 88
Fancy Beast ANS10
Fancy Feet ANS4 E2
Fang 4 P1 , P2 , S , DG , FB2 , ANS11-M 4
Fang Edward 15
Fantastink ANS6
Fantom ANS4 E2
Faker Like ANS8-P
Farmula 4H OLDS4
Fatina Cereal 5 OLDS5
Fatman 91 92
Fearasil 14 R3 , 82A , 86A R3 , 82A , 87
Fear-Out (see Iron-ons)
Fearstone D 82A , 86A 82A
FedUp ANS2
Feebles OLDS4
Feetena Cereal 7 R1 , 82A R1 , 82A
Feet Fighters ANS10
Fetchers ANS9
Fiasco ANS6 M1
Fibby's Juice 7 R4 U1 , R4 , 88
FIB Detergent 11 R3 R3 , 87
Fiber Won ANS10 ANS11
Fiendly's ANS11
Fig Leaf Nudetons ANS9
Final Step ANS2 ANS2-T
Fink Beverage D A , 1 , C , W1 , TP 1
Fish-Bone Dressing A , 2 W1 , H , Q , R1 , FB1 , M1 2 , R1
Fishbook ANS7
Fisherman's Phlegm ANS4
Fishey-Prize Toys 10 82A , 86A 82A
Fisto Gravy IT , I
Flab ANS9
Flabreze ANS7
Flare Pen 12 R3 , 82A R3 , 82A , 87
Flavorspice OLDS6
Flea-Wee's Vermin 91 92
Fling 'Ems Candy 16
Floral Cigarettes 16
Flunk (Mushmallow) 14 R4 , FB2 , ANS7-F R4 , 88
Flunkables ANS8
Flunkies Cereal OLDS2
Flushbook ANS9-A
Flustered Flakes ANS10 ANS11
Fondue Berry OLDS5
Fool-Aid FB1 ANS10-M
Foolball Bubble Gum 3 82A 3 , U2 , 82A
Foolgers ANS1 ANS1-T
Fool Guard 16 R4 R4 , 88
Fool Iced Tea ANS2 E1
Foolite 9
Fool Whip OLDS2
Foot Gushers ANS1 ANS1-C , V1 , E2
Footsie Roll 6 W2 , R1 , ANS3-M , ANS6-W , FB1-L R1
Forger's L FB2
For Mummies ANS2
Fowlgers ANS9
'Fraid ANS7
Franken Brainy OLDS1
Franken Bury ANS8 ANS9-T , ANS9
Freetoes 4 FB2
Frictionary ANS11
Fright Bulbs OLDS4
Fright Castle ANS1 ANS1-C
Fright Guard 3 W1 , Q , 77 , R1 , R4 , 82A 3 , R1 , R4 , IT , I , 82A , 88
Frighty Dog ANS5
Frisk 85 86A 85
Frisk Me ANS8
Frite Loops ANS8 ANS10-C , P12
Frogresso ANS4 E2
Frosted Fakes ANS11
Frosted Shredded Feet ANS4
Frosted Snakes ANS1 ANS1-T , V1 , ANS8-T , ANS9 , E1
Frothing Flakes ANS8 ANS10-C
Fruit Brew OLDS6
Fruit of the Loon ANS10
Fruit of the Tomb 6 FB2
Froot Oops! ANS6 ANS9-T , ANS9 , E2
Fruit of the Moon ANS11
Fruity Peppers ANS6 ANS10-C
Fruit Stripped Gum OLDS1
Full Monte ANS6
Fungicolor FB2
Funny Taste OLDS1
Funshine Crackers (see Ha Ha Crackers)
Funky Chicken Soup ANS11
Fuzzy Globs B2
Gadzooka Gum D A , 1 , C , W2 , P1 , P2 , T ,  S , 77 , TP , R1 , 82A , G , ANS5-M , FB1 , FB2 , M1 1 , U1 , R1 , 82A , IT , I
Gadzooka - Sugarmess Gum (see Sugarmess Gum)
Garbage Baby Food (see also Gurgle Baby Food) A
Garbage Pail Geezers ANS5
Gasoline ANS6
Gas Who? ANS11
Gatoraid 4 FB1-L , ANS9-M , OLDS5
Gearios ANS1 ANS1-T , V2 , PL1
Geek Giant ANS4 E1
Gee Your Hair Smells Horrific OLDS1
Generally Demented (see Soft-Head Bulbs)
Genesis Beer OLDS5
Gentle Plain Kids ANS11
Gerbil Essences ANS5
Ghost Soap 85 86A 85
Ghoulfish ANS8 ANS10-T
Ghoul Humor 16 R3 , FB1 R3 , 87
Ghoullette ANS10
Ghoul Scouts ANS7 M1
Ghoul Talk B2
Ghoul Whip ANS2
Gillo Port 16
GI Toe 9
G.I. Toe 85 86A , FB1 85
Gloom A , 2 W1 , Q , T , 77 , R1 , 82A 2 , U2 , R1 , 82A
Glutton Mustard 5 P1 , P2 , T , S , R2 , ANS2-C , ANS2-M , FB1 , ANS8-T , GFF R2 , 89
Go Bums 85 86A 85
Go-Dirt ANS1 ANS1-T , V1
Godivas ANS6
God of Warts ANS9-L
Go Flush ANS11
Goober ANS6
Gooby Snacks ANS4
Good and Empty A FB1
Good & Pricey ANS6
Goodbye Kitty ANS2 ANS2-T
Goon's Farm Wine 9
Goonman's Looney Noodles 6 R1 R1
Goosey Juice ANS5
Gooya FB2
Goreo ANS11
Goretons ANS6
Gormel ANS1
Grad ANS6
Graft Cheese 5 FB1
Grain ANS6
Grand Theft Audio ANS1 V2
Granny Hairs B1
Granny Theft Auto ANS9-L ANS10-M
Grape-Newts ANS7 ANS8-T , ANS10-C , P12
Grape - nuts + bolts ANS11
Grass Wax 4 W2 , T , R2 4 , R2 , 89
Grave Cat Food 85 86A 85
Grave Poupon OLDS3
Gravestones ANS1
Grave Train Dog Food D 1 , C , S , TP 1
Grazin' Bran 4 T 4
Greaseline 10 82A U2 , 82A
Greaser's Pieces 85 86A , FB2 85
Greed Giant ANS8
Green Chant ANS10
Greese Sticks ANS3-F
Grenades and Ham ANS8
Grim Coffee OLDS3
Grime Dog Food 7
Gripe-Nuts ANS3
Gristlers ANS11
Gross Blisters 91 92
Growgerm ANS10-LW
GrungeBob SoiledPants ANS11
Guerrilla Milk A FB1
Guitar Zero ANS7-W
Gulp Oil 11 R4 , ANS5-F , FB2 , OLDS5 U2 , R4
Gums 15 R4 , FB2 R4 , 88
Gums  ANS2
Gurgle Baby Food (see also Garbage Baby Food) 2 TP , OLDS5 2 , U2 , M1
Gurgle Cereal 7 W2
Gutterade ANS1 ANS1-C , V1 , PL1 , TW
Gutterball ANS3
Gyppy Pop Popcorn 2 H , 77 , R1 , FB1-L , ANS8-M 2 , R1
Habbit ANS11
Habifail OLDS6
Ha Ha Crackers 5 W2 , T , R1 R1
Hack's Cough Drops 15 ANS5-F
Hacky Packages Tattoos OLDS6
Hag & Hag Tobacco 7 R4 R4 , 88
Haggies ANS8
Hagnut OLDS2
Hair ANS3
Hairy Combs ANS2
Hairy Lee Cake 10 R3 , FB1 R3 , 87
Hairy Patter ANS1 ANS1-T , V1
Hamburger Hurter ANS11
Hamel Cigarettes 15 R3 R3 , 87
Hamel Pigarettes 85 86A 85
Hardly Wrap 8 R2 , 82A R2 , 82A , 89
Harm & Hammer 3 FB1
Harry Popper and the Pimply Hallows ANS8-G
Hate & Kill Sugar IT , I
Haunts ANS5 P12
Hav-A-Temper Cigars 12
Hawaiian Lunch ANS6
Hawaiian Pants ANS8
Hawaiian Punks Juice (two versions, see scans ->) 3 P1 , P2 , H , Q , DG , 77 , R1 , 82A , ANS2-C , ANS2-M , PL1 , FB1 , FB2-L , M1 3 , R1 , 82A
Hawaiian Punks  (two versions, see scans ->) L
Hawaiian Tragic Toasting Oil ANS7
Hazel Mishap Lipstuck 13 R4 R4 , 88
Head and Boulders 5 W2 , R1 , 82A , V2 , ANS4-M , ANS6-W U1 , R1 , 82A
Head & Smolders ANS7
Headhunter Helper ANS2
Heartburn Cereal 9 W3
Heave Cigarettes 4
Heavy Trash Bags 10 R3 , 82A R3 , 82A , 87
Hello ANS9-L
Hell-O ANS9
Hells ANS9
Helly Belly ANS10
Hex-Lax 8 W3 , 82A U1 , 82A
Hex Mix ANS4
Hiccups (see Milk of Amnesia)
Hickory Fools Slap Stick OLDS1
Hidden Valley Stench 91 92
Hide ANS7-W
Hill Billies ANS11
Hippy Days Cards OLDS3
Hippy Meal ANS10 ANS11-M
Hippy Trash Bags 14 FB1
Hips Ahoy! OLDS4
Hipton Tea Bags 4 P1 , P2 , H , DG , Q , T , ANS3-M , FB1 4
Hired Root Beer 3
Hi-Sea ANS10
Hi-Sea Punch OLDS1
Hissey's OLDS6
Hivory ANS5
Hobo Cop 91 92
Hoggin' Dogz ANS4 PL2
Holly Hobble OLDS6
Hollywood Nobodies ANS6
Homely Comb OLDS3
Homey Smacks ANS5
Honey Boo Boo Berry ANS11
Honey-Tomb ANS7 ANS10-C
Hoo-Hah's OLDS5
Hookey Bubble Gum 9 FB2
Hopeless ANS3
Hopeless Snow Balls 8 W3 , H , R2  , 82A , FB1 R2 , 82A , 89
Hop Pockets ANS8
Horderlands ANS11
Horrid Deodorant D A , 1 , C , T , TP , R2 , M1 1 , U2 , R2 , IT , I , 88 , 89
Horsey Feed Bags 16
Hostage Cakes D A , 1 , C , Q , 77 , TP , R1 , 82A , 86A 1 , R1 , 82A , 88
Hostile Thinkies 8 R2 , V2 , ANS4-M , ANS6-W , FB2 R2 , 89
Hottest Coal Cakes 85 86A 85
Hounz Cat Chunks ANS2
Hubble Bubble ANS9
Hungry Hungry Hippies ANS9
Hungry Jerk (two versions, see scans ->) 3 FB2
Hungry Jerk (two versions, see scans ->) 5
Hungry-Mantis ANS7
Hunks ANS7
Hun's ANS9
Hurtsey's Kissers ANS2
Hurts Tomatoes A , 2
Hurtz Baked Bears 7 ANS6-F , GFF
Hurtz Bird Seed 3 R1 , 82A , 86A 3 , R1 , 82A
Hurtz Tomato Ketchup (Hurtz Ketchup) 7 P1 , P2 , ANS4-F , FB1 , ANS9-M
Hyde's Rox Cookies 4 W2 , R1 4 , R1
I can't believe it's Big Brother ANS8-P P12
I Can't Believe It's Not Better! ANS3
ICBM Root Beer OLDS5
Ice Krunkles R4 FB1 R4 , 88
Icicle Playing Cards 13 ANS7-F
Iffy Pop ANS5
I.H8. Monday's ANS11
imMobil Oil Left ANS8-P
Instagrime ANS10-A
IOU Magazine 14
Irish Bling ANS6
Irish Ring Soap 14 R3 , 82A , 86A R3 , 82A , 87
Iris Stings ANS7
Iron-ons 15
Itch'n Chaps Cookies 85 85
Itchum ANS5
Ivery Snow 8 W3 , P1 , P2 , R2 , 82A R2 , 82A , 89
Ivy Soap 9 R3 R3 , 87
Iworry ANS9
Jack Stinks ANS10
Jailette Strike 3 ANS2
Jail-O Dessert (misspelled "Jail-O Desert" on checklist) D 1 , C , W1 , P1 , P2 , Q , T , S , TP , FB1 , M1 1 , U1
Janitor in a Slum FB1
Jawson's Rabies ANS8
Jean Nutty Bubbles 15
Jelly Bully ANS6 ANS10-T , E1
Jelly-O ANS3
Jerkens Soap 6 R4 R4 , 88
Jerk in Jail Magazine 13
Jerk in the Box ANS5
Jerkitol 15 R4 R4 , 88
Jerky Fruits 9 R2 , 82A , ANS5-M , ANS6-W , FB2 R2 , 82A , 89
Jim Mean Whiskey OLDS1
Jip ANS4
Jolly Mean Giant D ANS6-F , FB1 , ANS8-T , OLDS3 , ANS10-M , OLDS5 , M1
Jowl-O ANS7
Juicy Dropped Pop ANS9
Juicy Fright ANS5
Juicy Newt ANS9
Juicy Snot Drops ANS3
Jujitsubees ANS4
Junga ANS11
Jungle Potion 16
Jupiter Mints ANS8-P
Jurrasic Pork IV ANS11
Just for Wolfmen ANS7 E1 , M1
Keggs (see Draft Keggs)
Kaboo! Cereal OLDS2
Kal Kan't Dog Food OLDS2
Kentucky Fried Fingers 8
Kibbles 'n Zits ANS3-F
Kick A Man Sauce 9
Kick Kat FB2 ANS9-T , ANS10-M IT , I
Kid Cursin ANS5
Kid Kud 85 86A , FB1 , ANS11 85
Kill Bird Seed IT
Killette Hair Spray 12
Killson P12
Killy Putty 9 R3 , 82A , 86A , FB1 , FB2-L , ANS11-M R3 , 82A , 87
King O'Scare Sardines 11 R4 R4 , 88
Kiss Kat ANS7
Kitty Chow Mein OLDS5
Kitty Zitter 91 92
Kleenaxe Tissues 8 R2 , 82A , G , FB2 U1 , R2 , 82A , IT , I , 89
Klepto Bismol ANS10
Klix ANS9 ANS11
Knerrd Soup OLDS2
Knots Gelatine 8
Knuckles Candy 5
Kodiak ANS5
Koduck Photos 3 W2 , P1 , P2 , Q , 77 , R1 , 82A , 86A , V2 , ANS4-M , ANS6-W , FB1 , FB2 3 , U1 , R1 , 82A , IT , I
Koff! ANS2
Kon Fused Panda ANS8-G
Kong Fu Bubble Gum 8 FB2-L U2
Kongsford ANS3
Kong Vitaman OLDS4
Kook-Aid (Kook Aid) D A , 1 , C , W1 , Q , T , S , DG , TP , V2 , ANS4-F , ANS9-M , GFF , M1 1
Kook Cigarettes A , 2 P2 , Q , T , R2 , 82A , 86A , FB2 , B1 , WC 2 , R2 , 82A , 89
Kookle OLDS1
Krazy Crackers 5 T , R2 , FB1 , ANS9-M R2
Kreepy ANS6
Kreepy Kreme ANS7 ANS9-T
Krimin-L Rations OLDS5
Krummies Diapers 16 R4 R4 , 88
Krusty Krumbs ANS2 PL1
Krypton OLDS6
La Chew ANS1
Lady Gag Me ANS9
Laffelos Cereal 82A FB1 82A
Lalaleprosy ANS11
Lame Boy ANS1 V1
Lame Creme Rinse OLDS4
Lame O Lakes ANS6
Land O Quakes Butter 4 R1 , FB1-L 4 , R1
Lapton ANS6 E1
Larva Lite OLDS4
Lavirus Mouthwash D A , 1 , C , W2 , TP , R2 , 82A , 86A , M1 1 , R2 , 82A , IT , I , 88 , 89
Lazy ANS3 E2
Lazy Goo 85 85
Leaden Bagles OLDS4
Leek Oil Dripper 7
Leggo ANS3
Le Rage's 13
Le Sore Peas OLDS3
Letgo ANS9
Libber's Peas L FB2
Lice Cakes ANS1 V1
Liceol ANS2 PL2
Lice O Matic ANS10-TV
Licky Charms ANS11
Lifeboat OLDS6
Lifer Cereal OLDS4
Life Savings ANS3
Life Servers Candy (Lifeservers) 10 R3 , 82A , 86A , V2 , ANS4-F , FB2 , ANS9-M , E2 U2 , R3 , 82A , 87
Light and Dizzy Yoga 5
Liploc ANS3
Lipoff Cup-a-Slop 8 W3 , P2 , R2 , FB1 , OLDS3 R2 , 89
Liptorn Soup D 1 , C , W1 , H , Q , T , 77 , TP , R1 , 82A , 86A 1 , R1 , 82A
Liquid Bomber 4 T , FB1 , FB2-L
Liquid Bummr ANS3-F
LiteSabers ANS10
Litterbug Planet ANS9-L
Little Dead Kitten 91
Little Geezer's ANS2
Little Seizures ANS11
Littlest Sweat Shop ANS5
Little Trash Air Foulers OLDS1
Livid-Plumr ANS8
Loaf ANS11
Loafing Cow Cheese 85 85
Log Cave-In Syrup 2 W1 , P1 , P2 , ANS5-F , FB1 , FB2 , M1 2
Log Coffin ANS7
L'Oggs Panty Hose 7 W2 , R1 , 82A , 86A , FB1 R1 , 82A
Long & Slimy OLDS2
Long Line Beer IT , I
Lorna Doom ANS6
Lousyland Rundown Supper OLDS2
Lova Soap 3 R4 , OLDS5 3 , R4 , 88
Lox Soap 10 R4 , ANS7-F U2 , R4 , 88
Lubridirt ANS6
Lucky Germs ANS10 ANS11
Lucky Stride Cigarettes 3 Q , R1 3 , R1
Lumpables ANS9
Lumps Diapers 85 85
Macaroni for Geese ANS1 ANS1-C , V1 , PL2
Maddie Boy D 1 , C , OLDS5
Maggoty Ant ANS7-W
Magic Mullet ANS10-TV
Mallomartians ANS4 P12 , E2
M&eMpty ANS9
Mare Cigarettes 15
Marshmallow Flopp 7 W3
Martha Skewered ANS1
Martian Hats 12 FB1
Mashbox Toys 15 R3 , 82A , 86A , FB1 R3 , 82A , IT , I , 87
Mass Defect ANS9-L
Masters of the University ANS11
Maximum Security ANS8
Maxwell Louse ANS9
Maze-ola ANS4
McDoofusland OLDS6
McFurry ANS3
Mean Cuisine ANS1
Meanie-Wheats ANS6
Medi-Quak 7 R1 , 82A R1 , 82A
Megoof OLDS5
Mello Fello OLDS5
Mellow Ghost OLDS4
Meltathon OLDS2
Melty Way A FB1
Mentals 91 E2 92
Mentoads ANS8
Meow Mess OLDS3
Meowsporin ANS7
Mess Clairoil 4
Messquik ANS3
Messquire Magazine 14
Mess Truck OLDS5
Messy Marker 9
Metalmucil ANS6
Metrekill Diet Drink A
Mex-Pax Coffee 7 P1 , P2 , FB1
Mice Krispies ANS5 ANS9 , E1
Microbe Machine 91 ANS10-CS 92
Midget Rice FB1
Might be Dog ANS10
Milk Deads ANS10
Milk Dudes ANS8
Milk Muds Candy 12 R3 , 82A , 86A R3 , 82A , 87
Milk of Amnesia 10 R3 U2 , R3 , 87
Milk-Foam (Milk Foam) 4 W2 , P1 , P2 , T , ANS8-M 4
Mimecraft ANS10 ANS10-T , ANS11-M
Miniature Maid ANS6 E1
Minnow Maid ANS2
Minute Lice D A , 1 , C , Q , TP , OLDS5 , M1 1
Minute Main ANS11
Minute Mud A , 2 M1
Miracle Glo ANS9
Miracle Growl ANS3
Miracle Weep ANS6
Misery Date ANS4
Mister Faulty OLDS2
Moanstones Cereal OLDS5
Moanwich OLDS6
Moany-Wheats ANS11
Mobster High ANS11
Mold Power 10 R3 R3 , 87
Mold Rush Gum 6 T
Moldy Bride Magazine 14
Molten OLDS6
Molten Salt ANS7
Monotony 6 ANS3-M , ANS6-W , FB2
Monster Brau OLDS6
Monsterettes FB1
Monster Thigh ANS10
Moobelline 5 R2 U1 , R2 , 89
Moody Ring OLDS4
Moonshine Crackers 3 T , R2 , R4 3 , R2 , R4
Moose Attacks ANS9 P12
Mop & Glop Cleaner 8 R2 R2 , 89
Moron Beef Pot Pie 15 R4 R4
Moron Chicken Dinner 11
Moron Salt D FB1 , ANS9-M , M1 , OLDS3
Mortal Komrades ANS10
Moscow Syrup 9
Mosquita Banana OLDS5
Motion Spray ANS9
Motorzola 3 H , R2 , ANS5-F 3 , U1 , R2 , 89
Mountain Duo ANS4
Mountain Goo 10
Mouse Mix ANS7-W
Mr. Babble OLDS3
Mr. Bog Wet Bread 11
Mr. Bumble ANS5
Mr. Clone ANS5
Mr. Clown 85 86A 85
Mr. Coffin ANS1
Mr. Goodbye Candy 7 82A , FB2 82A
Mr. Mean 12 R3 , 82A R3 , 82A , 87
Mr. Picasso Head ANS8
Mr. Pig Tissue 85 85
Mr. Potato Dead ANS4
Mr. Stubble 85 86A , V2 , FB1 , ANS11-M 85
Mrs. Blabber-Mouth's ANS7 P12
Mrs. Blubberworth's 91 ANS9-T 92
Mrs. Fiends ANS4
Mrs. Goodbar ANS5
Mrs. Klean D A , 1 , C , W1 , Q , S , T , 77 , TP , R1 , M1 1 , U2 , R1
Mrs. Poles Sticks 14
Mrs. Rash ANS2
Mrs. Small's Fish 9
Mtn Doom ANS10 ANS11-M
Mtn Dude ANS7 P12 , E1
Muck and Yuck ANS6
Mud Magazine 11 R3 , 82A , 86A , G U2 , R3 , 82A , 87
Mud Root Beer ANS4 E2
Mug-A-Lunch OLDS5
Muggies 85 86A 85
Muleburro Cigarettes 5 R2 , 82A , 86A U2 , R2 , 82A , IT , I , 89
Muler's Dregg Noodles 11
Muller Beer D B1
Mummorex 91 92
Mumps Reejeck ANS10-LW
Murial Bland Cigars 7 R4 R4 , 88
Murky Oily Soap ANS5
Mustard Charge 4 FB2
Mutt Bone ANS3
Muttrageous ANS4
Mutt's Juice D A , 1 , C , W1 , H , TP , R2 , 82A , 86A , PL1 1 , R2 , 82A , 88 , 89
My Little Bony ANS11
My Little Phony ANS1 V2
myspaced ANS10-A
My Scream Barfie ANS3
My Sink Perfume 6 W2 , R2 , 82A U1 , R2 , 82A , 89
My Spittle Pony FB2 ANS10-T
My-T-Fink Desert (misspelled this way on checklist) 7 R1 R1
Nastee Crush FB1
National Geografink 11 R3 R3
National Retirer 85 85
National Spittoon Mag. 13 R4 R4 , 88
Nerd ANS3
Nertz A , 2 H , 77 , R2 , FB1 , M1 2 , R2 , 89
Nestree 4
Neutrogenie ANS4
Neveready Battery 3 W1 , P1 , P2 , H , Q , T , S , 77 , R1 , 82A , ANS4-F , TW , FB1 3 , U1 , R1 , 82A , IT , I
Newpork 91
Newtella ANS10
Newts and Adders ANS10
Nice N' Greasy ANS5
Night at the Mausoleum ANS8-G
Ninjagoo ANS10 ANS10-T
Norsemen OLDS4
No-Tips 3 Q , T , R2 , 82A , G 3 , R2 , 82A , 89
Nooseweek Magazine 13 R3 , 82A , 86A R3 , 82A , 87
Nose-X Tissue 14
Not Goodie OLDS4
Nothin's ANS2
Now & Never OLDS4
Nude Kids on the Block 91 92
Numbstick ANS11
Nurd's Custard IT , I
Nutlee's Quit 4 ANS6-F , ANS8-T , ANS10-CS
Nutti-Brain ANS1
Nuttin' Butta ANS1
Nutt's Apple Sauce 10
Nutty Blubber ANS9
Nyt-Owl OLDS5
Obey ANS9-A
Obit ANS1
Ocean Slay ANS11
Octivia ANS7-W
Oct Tenticle ANS8
Odor Pops OLDS1
Ogre-Eaters ANS7-W
Oh Hairy Candy Bar 7 R2 R2 , 89
Old Croak Whiskey OLDS2
Old Elastic ANS11
Old El Gaso 91 E2 92
Old Gloom (see Gloom)
Old Grand-Mom Whiskey 16
Old Slice ANS7
Old Spit Cologne 5 R2 , ANS4-F R2 , 89
Oldage Mutant Nasty Turkeys 91 92
Olden Grahams OLDS3
Old Metal Files ANS2
Olive Glutton ANS11
One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Dead Fish 91 FB2 92
Orange Lush OLDS2
Orangutina ANS2
Orca Seltzer ANS4
Ordinary K ANS3
Organspray ANS2
Oscar Mauler ANS6
Oscar Moron Bacon 10 R3 , 82A , 86A R3 , 82A , 87
Oscar Mayor Baloney 14 R4 , FB1 R4 , 88
Oscar Tyer ANS9
Outbreak ANS11
Oximoron Clean ANS10-TV
Paid Killers 8 R2 , 82A , 86A , G R2 , 82A , 89
Painters Peanuts 10
Palmolotov OLDS2
Pampered ANS10
Panters ANS9
Panthers P12
Panting ANS6
Papa Con's ANS11
Paper Wate Pen 9 W3 U1
Pass ANS6
Paul Maul Cigarettes D A , 1 , C , S , TP 1 , U1
Pay-Doh ANS4
Paydough Candy 12 R4 , ANS5-M R4 , 88
Pedigree Chump (see Chump Dog Food)
Peepsi ANS8
Pego 91 92
Pepto-Dismal 10 W3 , R3 , 82A , 86A R3 , 82A , 87
Perdude ANS6
Pest ANS6
Peter Pain Peanut Butter 6 H , T , R1 , 82A , FB2 , GFF R1 , 82A
Peter Panhandle ANS1
Peter Panic Peanut Butter 85 86A , FB1 85
Peter Pawn ANS10
Petley Flea Bags 15 82A
Pet Ridder ANS10-TV
Pet Schlock OLDS4
Petsi ANS10
Philosophical Dream Cheese ANS4
Pickpocket Fisherman ANS10-TV
Pieces Candy 12
Pig Boy OLDS3
Pig John's Dinner OLDS4
Pig Newtons ANS2 ANS2-T
Pigpen Oil 9 U1
Pigs Blue Ribbon L FB2
Pig Lips Tea Bags IT
Pigtionary 91 92
Pillow Pest ANS10-TV
Pillsburied ANS10
Pimple Magazine 85 86A 85
Pimples ANS9
Pimply Orange ANS11
Pine-Soil ANS3
Ping Pongs OLDS2
Pinkies ANS7
Pit Milk 91 92
Piwi Blecch 6 R1 R1
Pizza Hat ANS6
Pizza Trolls ANS11
Plague ANS6
Planet of the Grapes 11 FB1 U2
Plastered Peanuts A , 2 W1 , Q , S , TP , R1 , FB1 , M1 2 , R1
Plastic ANS4
Playbug Magazine 14 R3 , 82A , 86A R3 , 82A , IT , I , 87
Play-Doze ANS7
Play Dumb Clay 6 T , FB1 , ANS9-M
Play-Gogh ANS10
Playskull 13 R3 , 82A , 86A , FB1 R3 , 82A , 87
Plop on Pop ANS2
Plop Sikle 5 W2 , P1 , P2 , FB1
Plunder Bread ANS8 P12
Polarbearoid Film 14
Polar Spring ANS8-P
Polluted Spring ANS11
Pollydent 12 R3 , 82A R3 , 82A , 87
Polly Pick Pocket ANS5
Poligripe ANS7
Pooped Ridge Farms 10
Pooper Mario Doo-D Land ANS10 ANS10-T
Poopsie (called Poopsi in the Ad series) A , 2 S , FB1 2
Pop-aparts ANS8
Pop Farts ANS10
Popps Magazine 91 92
Pop Recks OLDS3
Popsi ANS5
Porkay ANS6
Porkie Chocolate Bar IT
Potty Pocket ANS11
Pounded Puppies ANS4
Pound's Cream 15 82A , 86A 82A
Pounds ANS7-W
Pounds Candy 5 82A
Power Bark ANS6
Powerless Glove B2
Poxy Stix OLDS5
Pre-K ANS7-W
Preparation Ape ANS11
Preparation H-Bomb OLDS3
Prestomb ANS5
Prey-Doh ANS11
Prez 91 FB2-L 92
Pricier ANS5
Prickles ANS3 TW , E1
Pro-Grossout L FB2
Progreaso Sauce 11 R3 , FB1-L R3 , 87
Project 19 Cereal OLDS1
Promesso Sauce 14 R4 , ANS5-F R4 , 88
Prowl Shampoo 16 R4 , FB1 R4 , 88
Pssssssd OLDS4
Pudgsicle ANS11
Pullin Strings ANS4
Pull Pop ANS10
Punchables ANS2
Punched Crunch OLDS4
Punkin' Donuts ANS8 P12
Pupsi-Cola 10 82A , FB1 , ANS7-F , ANS8-M 82A
Pupsodent ANS4
Pupto-Dismal 85 85
Pureel ANS9
Purelf ANS6
Pure Hex D A , 1 , C , TP 1
Push-Ups ANS5
Pus Pop ANS1 ANS1-T , V1
Putrid Cat Chow 2 FB1 , M1
Putritan Oil 85 85
Putz Vitamins OLDS1
Puu Puu Pets ANS8
Qreep Cereal OLDS1
Q-Twits ANS5
Quack OLDS6
Quacker Oats D A , 1 , C , ANS2-C , ANS2-M , FB2 , OLDS5 , GFF , M1
Quake 'n Ache 4 4
Quacker State ANS5
Queerasil ANS2
Quicker Goatmeal ANS4
Quiet Pupsi ANS6
Quit (see Nutlee's Quit)
Qwitter ANS7
Rabid Shave 3 W1 , H , Q , T , R1 , 82A , FB1 3 , R1 , 82A
Raggedy Ant Doll 9 W3 , R3 R3
Raglue ANS7
RainyD ANS8
Raisin Brain ANS3-F ANS9-T , ANS10-C
Raisin Brawn ANS11
Raisin' Its OLDS5
Ram-A-liar Syrup 16 R3 , 82A , 86A R3 , 82A , 87
Ranta OLDS6
Ranters ANS5
Rasta Roni ANS3
Rat Guard ANS7 P12
Ratz Crackers D ANS2-C , ANS2-M , FB1 , PL1 , M1 , OLDS3
Raven Brane ANS7 ANS9
Raw Goo Sauce 4 W2 , T , R1 4 , R1
Raw Leaves Cigarettes 3 R2 3 , R2 , 89
Reaganets 85 86A , FB2 85
Real Dull ANS9
Real Garbage Candy 16 R4 , FB2 R4 , 88
Rebell Jet 14
Reddi Wimp ANS11
Red Hoss Salt 85 85
Red Mobster ANS11
Red Veins ANS3-F
Reekboks 91
Reekola ANS3
Reeper's ANS10
Refuzit ANS10
Regal Clown 16
Restled Wrap ANS6
Retch ANS11
Retch A Sketch 91 92
Rex Lax ANS5
Rhu-Barbie ANS9
Rice-A-Groani ANS8
Rice A Phoni (sic) 3 H , Q , 77 , R1 , R2 , ANS4-F 3 , R1 , R2 , 89
Rice A Romney ANS10
Rice Kreepies ANS8 ANS10-C
Ring Pope ANS11
Rinkled Wrap 4 W2 , Q , R1 , ANS4-F 4 , R1
Robo ANS10
Robot Burns Cigars 12 R3 R3 , 87
Robotussin ANS4
Roid ANS6
Rolaches 8 R2 R2 , 89
Rold Cold ANS10
Ronzombie ANS6
Rotsa Root Candy 14
Rowdy Gelatine 13
Ruden's Cough Drops 10 W3 , R4 , ANS7-F R4 , 88
Ruffled ANS7
Ruin-Oleum OLDS2
Run Tony Shells 2 ANS4-F , FB1-L
Run-A-Way Vitamins 6
Russel Stalker OLDS5
Russell Starver ANS6
Sad Bags OLDS2
Sahara Lee ANS5
Sailem A , 2 Q , T , TP , R2 , FB2 2 , U2 , R2 , 89
Salmon Joy ANS2
Saneball 91 92
Saparin Coffee 11 R4 R4 , 88
Satan Wrap 14 FB2
Saturday Evening Ghost 11 ANS11
Scarburst ANS1
Scare Bears FB2
Scare-Deal Notebook 6 W2 , R4 , FB1 R4 , 88
Scary Jane Candy 10 R3 R3 , 87
Scary Kitchen (see Gormel)
Scary Lee 8 R2 , 82A , 86A R2 , 82A , 89
Scavenging Bubbles ANS3
Schlepps ANS4
Schmutz Beer D B1 , WC
Schnozmopolitan Magazine 82A 86A , FB2 , ANS7-F 82A
Schtick Blades A , 2 R1 , 82A , 86A , FB1 2 , U1 , R1 , 82A
Scoopy OLDS6
Scoot Mouthwash 16 R4 R4 , 88
Scorch Mouthwash 8 R2 R2 , 89
Scorch Tape ANS6
Scrape ANS5
Scrapple ANS1 ANS1-C
Scrawny 91 92
Scream of Wheat ANS10
Scream Sicle 13 FB2 , ANS7-F
Screech Tape 13 R3 , 82A , 86A , ANS5-F , FB2 , ANS8-M R3 , 82A , 87
Scribble ANS6
Scumby 91 92
Seagerm's ANS7
Sea Honkies B1
Sealva Thins 14
Secrete ANS3
Secrets 5 W2 , R2 R2 , 89
Sell'em Cigarettes 14 R3 , 82A , 86A R3 , 82A , 87
Selma Batz (see Batz)
Selsun Boo ANS5
Senior Mints ANS2
Seven Spies 16 R4 R4 , 88
Seventon 11 R3 , 82A R3 , 82A , 87
Sewer Patch Underground Candy ANS8-P
Shake and Skip Ink 9 U2
Shake 'N Break ANS6
Shanka OLDS6
Sharkie ANS5
Shebad ANS10-LW
Shingle's Plaster Chips 15 R3 , 82A , 86A R3 , 82A , 87
Shock Band ANS9-L
Shock Dispenser 12 R3 R3 , 87
Shorts Illustrated Mag. 13 R3 , 82A , 86A R3 , 82A , 87
Shot Tissue (Shottissue) 8 82A U2 , 82A
Shot Wheels 5 W2 , R1 , 82A , 86A , ANS5-M , FB2 U1 , R1 , 82A
Shots Candy 5 R1 , FB2 R1
Shovin Spoonfuls OLDS1
Showerade ANS8
Shriek! Foreever After ANS8-G
Shrunken Donuts 13 R4 , ANS3-M , FB2 , ANS7-F R4 , 88
Shyster Cola OLDS5
Sicken McSluggets ANS1 V1
Sicken of the Sea 5 S
Sick Tracy 91 92
Siesta Crackers 12 R4 , FB1 R4 , 88
Silly Bangz ANS8
Silly Thing ANS11
Simian Toes Crunch ANS7
Similecch Squid 16
Simplestein OLDS6
Six Dollar Man Figure OLDS3
Skimpy D A , 1 , C , OLDS5 , M1
Skin Bruiser ANS4
Skip (see Shake and Skip Ink)
Skip-It ANS6
Skittish Fish ANS8
Skold OLDS5
Skullpy ANS11
SkunkAroos ANS8
Skunkist ANS2
Slick Wife'Out ANS7
Slime Jim ANS9 ANS10-M
Sloshed Puppie OLDS4
Sloth Scrub ANS6
Slacker Jack ANS3 TW , E1
Slam Jim Snacks 15 R4 , ANS3-M , FB2 R4 , 88
Slam Pow! ANS10-TV
Slayer Aspirin 14 R3 R3 , 87
Slayskool 15 FB1-L , ANS8-M
Slaytex Gloves 5 R1 , 82A , FB1-L U2 , R1 , 82A
Sledge 3 W1 , H , R2 3 , R2 , 89
Sleepy 11 FB1
Slobway ANS2
Slopicana Juice 7 W2 , P1 , P2 , R1 , FB1 , ANS11-M R1
Slop Tarts ANS1 ANS1-T , V2 , PL2
Sludge (Betty Crooked) 5
Sludge Shoppe ANS1
Sludgsicle ANS1 V1
Sludgsickle A FB1
Sluggie ANS9
Slum Chips ANS6
Slum Maid Raisins D ANS3-M , FB1 , M1 , PL1 , OLDS3
Smartz Collar 16 R3 R3 , 87
Smashies ANS6
Smelda ANS9-L
Smellios ANS1
Smellmo ANS3
Smell Motor Oil (Smell Ecch) 15
Smellette Foney Shaving Cream L
Smith Sisters 5 T , R1 R1
Smoocher's Jam 8 R2 , ANS6-F , FB2 R2 , 89
Smuggler's ANS7
Snake Weight ANS10-TV
Snake 5 ANS5
Snakers ANS10
Snakes 91 92
Snake Wells ANS4
Snapper ANS10-CS
Skarkers ANS11
Snarlamint Cigarettes 6 T , R2 R2 , 89
Snatch-A-Pak 3
Sneakers ANS1 ANS1-T
Sneer 6 W2 , T
Sneezer Dressing 13
Sneezing Yellow Honkers OLDS4
Sneez-it ANS1 V2 , PL1 , E1 , ANS9-T
Snob Balls ANS8
Sno-Craps ANS11
Snookered B2
Snoot Powder 85 86A 85
Snoresages ANS7
Snoritos ANS2
Snorox ANS3
Snort Magazine 14 82A 82A
Sno Saps ANS7
Snot 'N Blow 91 92
Snots ANS1 V1
Snout ANS2
Soapy Washman 85 86A 85
Soft & Die Deodorant OLDS2
Soft-Head Bulbs 6 R1 , 82A , 86A , ANS3-M R1 , 82A
Soggy Babies Candy 7 GFF
Soggy Bottom ANS2
Sootball Bubble Gum 12
Soot Burn & Serve Sausage OLDS2
Sore Deodorant 13 R3 , ANS5-F R3 , 87
Sore Mel Chili 15
Sorry Wrap 7 R2 R2 , 89
Sour Puss ANS5 E1
Souse Trap OLDS3
South Beached Whale Diet ANS6
Spackel Candy OLDS1
Spaz ANS4 PL2 , ANS8-T
Spazzles OLDS1
Special DK ANS10 ANS11
Speed Stink ANS9
Spills Bros. 6 T
Spine-Sol OLDS1
Spiritgraph OLDS5
Spit & Spill Cleanser 3
Spite ANS3 PL2 , E1
Spitter-Man ANS3
Spittles ANS1
Splithearts ANS6
Spore's ANS2
Spray Nit D A , 1 , C , TP , R2 1 , R2 , 89
Spray Poupon ANS11
Spread Bull ANS7-W
Sprout ANS9
Spud Stick ANS3
Squabble Word Game 9 W3 , 82A U1 , 82A
Squelch's Ape Juice 91 92
Squint OLDS3
Sqinties ANS8
Sslips ANS1
Stake Umms OLDS3
Starburp ANS9
Starducks Coffee ANS2 PL2
Star Wreck OLDS5
STD Oil Shortage 8 P1 , P2 , FB1 U2
Stealthy Choice ANS7-W
Stella Dorko ANS4
Stench Armstrong ANS11
Stench's ANS3
St. Hives ANS4
Stickers 9 FB2
Stiffer Dusters ANS2
Stiffords Glue 5 R4 R4 , 88
Stingline Staple Gun 12 R3 R3 , 87
Sting Pop ANS8
Stinkertoy 11 R3 , 82A , 86A R3 , 82A , 87
Stinkin' Legs OLDS2
Stinky 85 86A , FB1 85
Stink Panther Flakes Cereal OLDS2
Stove Glop 10
Strawberry Shortfuse ANS9
Stretch Armstrain OLDS3
Strokes Beer OLDS1
Struggle ANS1 PL1
Stubble Bubble ANS4
Stuckers ANS9
Stuck Margarine IT , I
Stuffer's ANS7
Stumble Bee ANS3 E2
Stupid Moron Bros. 91 FB2 92
Stupid Pretzel ANS7
Sucker Twin 16 R4 R4 , 88
Sufferin' OLDS4
Sufferin Coffee 16 R3 R3 , 87
Suffertone 8 R2 , PL1 , FB1 R2
Sugar Daffy 6 W2 , R1 R1
Sugarmess Bubble Gum (called Gadzooka Bubble Gum on 14th checklist) 2 14 , T , TP , GFF 2
Sunburn ANS3
Sunkurst ANS11
Sunstroke Crackers (see Creature Crackers)
Sunsweat Prune Juice 10 W3
Superax OLDS5
Super Cigar Crisp  (Sugar Cigar Crisp on checklist) 6 T
Super Elastic Prison Plastic OLDS6
Superham ANS4
Super Mario Mothers ANS9-L
SurReal Friends ANS11
Sushi-Q's ANS7
Suspect Deodorant 16 R4 R4 , 88
Sweat-Hard Soap (Sweathard) 3 T , R2 3 , R2 , 89
Sweatin' Fish ANS2 ANS2-T
SweeTar OLDS4
Sweat Tarts ANS4
Sweet 'n Slow ANS7-W
Swine Bros. OLDS2
Swiss Fright Cheese 11 U2
Swiss Mess Cocoa 5 R2 R2 , 89
Sylbrainia ANS5
Sympathy ANS4
Tacky Packages ANS4
Taco Belch ANS10
Taffy Cat Food 14
Tantrum ANS3
Tarry Ton Cigarettes OLDS2
Taser's Choice ANS10
Taster's Choke 4 ANS5-M , FB1 , FB2 , GFF 4
Tattoo Skins 91 92
Taxim 9
Terrier Water 85 85
Tetanus FB2
The Amazing Cider-Man 2 ANS11
The Babysplitters Club 91
The Da Vinci Cold ANS4
The Dependables 3 ANS11
The Dork Knight ANS8-G
The Fruitcake Factory ANS11
Thefty ANS2 ANS2-T , P12 , E2
The Legend of Zelduh ANS10
The Rat in the Cat 91 92
The Walking Dad ANS11
The Woman With The Draggin' Tattoo ANS10
Thing Pop ANS6
Thomess the Trainwreck ANS3-F
Thums ANS9
Tic-Toc Candy (aka Tic Toc Candy) 10 R3 R3 , IT , I , 87
Tie Boot Tea IT , I
Tied Detergent D A , 1 , C , W2 , Q , T , TP , R1 , 82A , G , V2 , FB1 , M1 1 , U1 , R1 , 82A , 88
Tiger Eat Magazine OLDS3
Tijuana Smells 5 R2 R2 , 89
Tinder Vittles OLDS4
Tiny Cats ANS7
Tipsy Roll Pop 16 FB2
Tired ANS2 ANS2-T , PL2
Tix ANS1 V1 , ANS10-C
Toad Bubble Bath 12 R3 R3 , IT , I , 87
Toadal P1
Toady Grahams ANS3
Tobacco Juice 85 85
Toblebone OLDS6
Today's Gorilla OLDS5
Tomb Gator ANS10
Tomb Magazine OLDS5
Top Secret ANS2
Top Slob Cleanser 7 W2 , R1 R1
Totaled ANS3-F
Totarillo Cigars 14
Toupe' Ramen ANS7 E2
Town Hovel Crackers OLDS3
TP Guide ANS9-A
Tragedy Ann 91
Transfarmers ANS8-G
Trashformers ANS6
Tric Tac ANS10
Tridon't ANS9
Triks Cereal 5 T , ANS5-M , FB2 , ANS7
Tripicana ANS8
Triscult ANS6
Trivial Lawsuit ANS8
Troll House ANS8
Tropicanine L
Troublemint P12
Truant Cigarettes 6
Trucker's Strawberry Traffic Jam 91 92
Trux ANS9 ANS10-M , ANS11
Tubby Grahams ANS10
Tuffs ANS6
Tung ANS5
Turtle Whack ANS3
Tutino's Pizza Wraps ANS8
TV Garbage 11 82A 82A
T.V. Ghoul 85 86A , FB2 85
Twigglers ANS4
Twilice ANS8-G
Twister ANS9-A
Twitley ANS7
U8 trash ANS2
UGH! Stickers OLDS6
Ultra Bite ANS5
Ultra Blight A , 2 77 , TP , R1 2 , U1 , R1
Ultra Frite ANS11
Ultra Sheep Shampoo 15
Ultra Tite ANS10
Um & Ums OLDS3
Umbrella Magazine 13
Uncle Bone's ANS5
Uncle Bum's Rice 10
Underworld Ham 10 R3 R3 , 87
Unlucky Charms ANS2
Unlucky Dog FB2
Unpopular Mechanics 11 82A 82A
U.S. Presidolts OLDS5
Vague OLDS6
Valveater Cheese 6 ANS4-F
Vampire ANS7
Van Vamp's Baked Bats OLDS3
Velaphants 85 85
Velfeeta ANS9
Vermina Rat Chow ANS2
Vicejoy Cigarettes D 1 , C , TP , R1 , OLDS5 1 , R1
View Monster 15 FB1 , FB2-L
Vile Soap A , 2 H , Q , T , 77 , R1 , 82A , FB1 , M1 2 , R1 , 82A
Viper Rub ANS4
Virginia Slums 6 R2 R2 , 89
Vise ANS5
Vlad Bags 91 92
Vulture Valley ANS5
Wacky Garbage P1 , P2 FB1
Waffle Ball 85 85
Wallow Balsam OLDS3
Wartheads ANS11
Wash 'n Fly 12
Watchemacrawlit ANS3
Weak Germ 12 R3 R3 , 87
Weakies Breakfast Cereal D A , 1 , C , P1 , S , TP , ANS2-C , ANS2-M , ANS6-W , TW , FB1 , FB2-L , ANS7 , OLDS5 , GFF , M1
Weakinson Blades 14 82A 82A
Weak Thins ANS9
Wealthade OLDS5
WebSkinz ANS8
Wedgie! OLDS2
Weighties ANS5 ANS9 , P12
Welts ANS1
Wetflix ANS7-W
Whale-O's Cereal 82A 82A
What Man's Simple Candy 6
Wheel of Torture 91 92
Wheeze-it (see Moonshine Crackers)
Whiskeys IT , I
White Duck Pond Water L
White Fowl Cigars 5 R2 R2 , 89
Who Cares Bears? ANS1 V1
Whyler's OLDS2
Wickedpedia ANS9-A
Wig Newtons ANS11
Wiiz ANS7-W
Windaxe 13 82A , ANS5-F 82A
Windchester 3 R4 3 , R4 , 88
Windhex 4
Windstun 9 R2 , 82A , 86A R2 , 82A , 89
Windy's ANS6
Windy's ANS9
Witch Bone ANS4
Witch's ANS6
With Bone ANS11
Wobblers ANS7-W
Wonduh ANS6
Woozy Willy OLDS5
Words Fiends ANS9-A
Wormy Packages 4 W1 , T , S , R1 , 82A , ANS2-C , ANS2-M , ANS6-W , FB1-L 4 , R1 , 82A
Wrecko Candy 12
Wuss in Boots ANS10
X-ray-O-Vac OLDS4
Yackety Packages Poems OLDS4
Ya Mama Jeans ANS10-TV
Ya-Who? ANS10-A
Y'All ANS6
Yeti Wip ANS3
Yichs Sign-X 16 R4 R4 , 88
Yicks Cough Drops 8 R2 , 82A , 86A U1 , R2 , 82A , 89
Yoo Goo ANS3 E2
Yootoo Cloning Drink ANS8-P
Yo Playa ANS6
YowTube ANS10-A
Yubang ANS7-W
Yubum Coffee 8
Yuck ANS9
Yuppie Chow 91 92
Zenergizer 91
Zilla Wafers ANS3 ANS9-T , P12 , E2
Zit Cat ANS1 ANS1-C , V1 , E1
Zombie Fitness ANS10